I have made life long friends on Future Legacy Project and it has opened up so many different opportunities for me that I never thought possible this retreat has made me completely rethink my career path.
Mentor: Amna Askari
From the very beginning of this project, I knew that I wanted to do my project on mental health. But, at the beginning I didn’t know what aspect I wanted to do.
When I first started this project I just created a wellbeing Instagram page to cheer people up but this idea was very broad and I decided this was not the right route for my project. As I had GCSE’s approaching I was getting incredibly stressed and I didn’t know how to cope with this project, my GCSE’s, and my own mental wellbeing. This is when I came up with the idea to start a ‘Study gram’ account which is a form of Instagram account to help motivate and help people with their education. Through this, I was able to focus on my own school work and help other people with the work on this new platform I had created. I created a survey to research more about the subject and have also created an Instagram page and YouTube channel, please check it out!